Thursday, 27 February 2014

Need a raise?

Every time we praise God, we magnify ourselves in some way, he lives in us so the more of him we know and appreciate the more of our selves we actually increase.
In him we live and have our being, every time we refuse to acknowledge and appreciate him, we shrink our own being, we reduce our source.
He is our source, every treasure in us and of us is his creation. We are his workmanship, his tools; we are also created in his image.
He sent his son Jesus to die for us. He deserves our praise; we are released when we release his own (praises) to him.
An atmosphere of praise endows us with the glow and grace to prevail in life.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Ego is a person

We all have a sense of self-worth, our perception of ourselves. Ego is a word that is being used in many a circle.
Ego is described as a person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance. It’s also the part of you that defines itself as a personality, separates itself from the outside world, and considers itself (read: you) a separate entity from the rest of the world.
There are four basic characteristics of ego
Psychological; it’s an opinion of yourself, whether or not this formed opinion is really true at present is another issue. Many image makers have adopted slogans such as ‘Reputation is more important than reality’; motivational speakers and religions constantly claim that ‘As a man thinks so is he’. Deductively you are what you think that you are.
Spatial; Ego possess the nature and tangibility of a space, this is easily understood by the fact that superiors have a higher space allocated to them. We also instinctively tend not to generally find successful people being cramped together (take a look at VIP seats in programs and compare to regular or masses). We sometimes stretch when giving some materials to people who are above us in a significant measure.

It becomes a slight to ego and a form of disrespect when we invade superiors’ space or linger in there shadow without their direct approval.
Biological; another equally important character of ego is her organic nature; ego is fed to grow and vice versa. Validations and credits in different areas of our lives; social, career, family and finance may tend to increase our perception of our self worth.
Influential; Ego is influential in that as it grows it has the ability to influence. It’s impossible to aspire to take a leadership position in business or public administration without a strong ego.

Alter ego; Human beings are a constantly evolving streams of personality and expressions. An Alter ego is simply a version of you. You may be seemingly introvert but with the other personality of you extremely extrovert in situations of choice.

Ego management; central, upward and downward.
The central refers to you. Have a healthy sense of yourself, do not think too highly of yourself neither should you think of yourself as an unworthy slave. You are a created being by a loving creator for good works. You are the centre of your world, you attract to yourself what you project to your world.
Upward ego management refers to your superiors of sorts; your boss, parents, leaders in communities etc. You should make people above you feel comfortable without arousing unnecessary insecurities through rudeness, inattention, disloyalty and disrespect. They in turn will respect and help you in some way on your way up.
Downward ego management is about managing your subordinates and those who you are above in some kind of way. You should carry yourself in a way that makes them to respect and admire you, you should also treat them kindly and with empathy. This should not leave out the fact that they should be made to perform duties you assign them periodically as you should be involved in developing yourself and also helping your superiors.

Oyeniyi Cheye Oluseye is a Strategic motivator